

Get more customers by using amazing photos!

Make your pictures look fantastic with the help of skilled photo editors. We’re here to make your job easier. Get high-quality photos that stand out and make a real impact. Let your images shine brighter!


Professional Shadow Creation Services

We offer fantastic shadow-making services for your pictures. Our professional hand-painted shadows are affordable price and can outshine top competitors, helping you reach your goals.

Drop shadow Effect

Drop shadow is the one that is created just below the subject. This shows the information about the surface, the distance between subject and surface, and the intensity and direction of the light. Drop shadow is usually created near the edge of a subject..

This is a customized service based on products. Some products require high-contrast shadows, some soft shadows. We proportion the shadow surface according to that.

  • Emphasize on subject
  • Adding shadow as fits
  • Affordable & Bulk discount
  • 24/7 Customer Support

Natural Shadow Creation

Natural Shadow is the shadow that one object should naturally have against the light. It shows the dimensions and texture of an object. This is mandatory for an image to look realistic. Natural shadows also determine the mood of the object. Shadows from different angles set different moods.

We’re careful with natural shadows because if they look wrong, the whole picture doesn’t work. Shadows should be in the right spot and the right amount. That’s why we’re serious about it and have our expert designers add shadows this way.

  • Ensuring natural appeal
  • Distraction removal
  • Proportionate adjustment

Reflection Shadow

Mirror or reflection shadow creates an artistic appearance on product images. In this shadow creation service, we tactically add an original image, making it appear as real as an original reflection.

The surface appears like glass, which mirrors the original product. Also, we heed the original product and make it more shiny and comprehensible at first glance.

  • Ensuring natural appeal
  • Distraction removal
  • Proportionate adjustment
  • Affordable & Bulk discount
  • 24/7 Customer Support

Our Customers reviews

Great service - quick turn-around! As always when in need for some perfect paths - PATH is THE solution. Work for you is done while you can focus on other things. Great job again.
Sander den Boef
These people took the time to listen to my specific instructions and delivered on time (no rush required). The work was much better than I could have done and a reasonable price. Very Pleased to work with Path.
Mila Kunis
We've been working with them this past month. Their attention to detail is incredible. They're also very attentive with you and work really fast, even with regular service. We will continue to work with them.
Mike Stuart


What is shadow creation in image editing?

Shadow creation involves adding or enhancing shadows in images to create a natural and realistic effect. It adds depth and dimension, making objects appear grounded.

How do I submit images for shadow creation services?

You can easily submit your images through our secure online platform. Follow the instructions on our website for a hassle-free submission process.

What types of shadows can you create?

We offer a variety of shadow creation services, including natural shadows, drop shadows, and reflection shadows. Specify your preference or let our experts choose the most suitable option.

What file formats are accepted for shadow creation?

We accept a range of file formats, including JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and RAW. Ensure your files adhere to our specified guidelines for optimal results.

What is the typical turnaround time for shadow creation?

Our turnaround time is 4 hours but it’s depend on your images amount. So better first contact us and make sure how much time need on your project. email- [email protected]

Is there a revision option if I'm not satisfied with the shadows created?

Yes, customer satisfaction is our priority. If you’re not satisfied with the results, we offer unlimited revision until you satisfied.

“Transform Your Photos and Make Them Look Amazing – Try Our Photo Editing Solution Now!”

Make your product images high-end, natural, and lucrative with CutOut Edits. Your one-touch Clipping Path Service Provider is at your fingertip.
Stand yourself out from the crowd with high-end edited photos. Let Visitors Come!

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